Resilience......How do we cope better when times are tough?

Every one of us has faced some level of adversity, trauma or other life stressors.  As we globally mourn the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre, we can reflect on the positive response, over the years, of many Americans individual efforts to rebuild their lives after such a huge tragedy


To cope with these life changing situations our resilience, the capacity to be strong, our toughness, helps us recover quickly from life’s difficulties


Psychological research has shown us that resilience is extremely ordinary, not extraordinary


Building resilience can take time and a lot of lived experience 


You need intention but you also need to understand that there are 4 key components to maximise your capability to become more resilient

These encompass -



healthy thoughts and

living with purpose


This week we will be covering these 4 components in depth, today we will focus on connection, and then tomorrow I will be going live at 7pm, in our online self-care community to discuss the other 3 components: wellness, healthy thoughts and finding purpose


If you can’t join live, you can catch up with the recording anytime, which will be available to view directly after in the group


  1. Build your connections


The first key component of building resilience is connection. This means either prioritising your relationships, or making a concerted effort to become part of a group


The emotional pain of traumatic events can cause you to isolate yourself. Connecting yourself to compassionate people, who you trust and who understand, can help you realise that you are not alone


For e.g. Prioritising a date night once a week with your partner or meeting a friend for dinner is hugely beneficial – Spending time with people who you genuinely connect with helps validate your feelings, and supports you to develop resilience 


Another element of connection is being part of a group. This is why I created our online Invigorise community


Groups can be hugely helpful in supporting people to build relationships, offering social support and helping each other reclaim hope to move forward with whatever difficulties they are facing.

In our self-care community there are numerous posts and resources you can tap into, along with the conversations you can form with likeminded people. I always actively encourage our members to post often and reach out for help and advice from others, to share their wins and achievements or to ask for help when they are struggling with something. 


Please do engage in our group, post often and share your experiences. By doing so helps us all build a wonderfully supportive safe space where people, just like you, feel heard.


Click below to join our Invigorise self-care community 

Check out the live with me tomorrow at 7pm in the group, where I will discuss the other 3 components to learning and building resilience

Much love!