Is social media questioning how you look?

This past year has shown us how reliant we are on social media. It is completely unavoidable and an integral part of our lives now, so naturally, we are surrounded by not only beneficial content, but also damaging media. 

An increased amount of content based on the ideal body has caused a constant pressure on society, for both men and women. Where the hourglass figure is idolised as a symbol of femininity, and a muscular superman-type body is highly desired amongst men. Social media influencing definitely has its problems.

In response to this increase, there has been a drastic spike in insecurities related to body image. This is a huge, destructive problem for many as it revokes people from living a truly fulfilling life where they’re comfortable in the skin, they’re in.

Research has indicated that having a negative view of your body can lead to psychological illnesses  such as body dysmorphia, negative mood as well as anxiety. These factors are enough to make us reconsider the way we treat our bodies and what goes inside them.

A common feeling amongst those that are unsatisfied with their bodies is discomfort when looking at themselves. This is the body that you are in and accepting it for the way it is, is crucial in maintaining good mental health. 

Stretch marks and cellulite are completely normal and there is nothing wrong with them! Most images online are heavily photoshopped to show a reality that simply does not exist. Instead, embracing blemishes and marks and becoming body positive will improve mood and satisfaction. 

Also, reminding yourself constantly that so much of what is seen online is only true in front of a camera is essential. Trying to manifest a body with no imperfections is unrealistic and quite frankly, impossible. Distance yourself from social media and screens as often as you can, try to take a screen break once a week and absorb whatever is around you.

However, it is important to stay healthy, which should naturally lead to a more positive body image. Psychologists have found that exercise programmes have led to dramatic changes in a person’s body image. Those that are transitioning into a healthier lifestyle (with exercise and better meals) had a more positive outlook on their body when compared to a control group. This shows that by putting in that physical effort, a mindset shift can be made. When deciding on what to eat, try to plan meals rather than spontaneously ordering them. Go on walks if you are very inactive. And appreciate nature as much as you can! Small changes can make a huge difference if done consistently.

It’s easier said than done but our 6 week Nourish me programme is the perfect solution to problems surrounding body image. We offer coaching in order to address the critic within and teach you to love yourself more! It includes changing eating habits and increasing your motivation which in turn improves your mindset towards yourself. It’s the perfect programme as it focuses on combining physical and mental health in order to see long-lasting changes. 

This is the only body you have and taking care of it should be a priority, healthy lifestyle changes are not only beneficial now, but also for your future

Check out the website for more information on the Nourish me programme.

Fasiha Nabi, Invigorise